Not Alone Ministries

Not Alone partners with local churches to create grace-filled, gospel-centered communities for single moms to find hope, healing, and wholeness.

At Not Alone, our great hope is that not even one single-mama would feel alone, unnoticed or overlooked, not knowing who or where to turn to for encouragement and support; that the "big 'C' church" would rally around these women and their families, offering them communities of comfort, refuge, support and, ultimately, the love of Jesus as they walk the challenging road towards healing and restoration.

Did you know there are over 8 million households in the United States led by single moms? The odds are you’ve been impacted yourself or are intimately involved with someone who is. The majority of these families experience profound financial, emotional, physical and spiritual challenges. Sadly, most of these moms feel alone and unseen, quietly suffering under the weight of leading their families alone.

At Not Alone, we believe each of these mamas and their families are precious and worthy not only of our notice, but our support. We believe the church desires to come alongside these women, but often doesn’t know how best to accomplish this mission. We exist to ensure each of these women are seen, loved, and supported by engaging and equipping the local church (organizationally and individually) to rally around these moms and their families SO THAT they are truly not alone; that they have support teams in their corners; and that they are encouraged, supported, and connected to courageously walk the journey towards health and restoration. As a result of this strong support, these single moms will increasingly grow towards thriving - socially, emotionally, physically, financially, and spiritually.

Not Alone Ministries


Tree of Life Anglican Immigration Legal Aid


Phoenix Refugee Connection